Our enhanced cleaning operation remains in place to sanitise the Loft before and after you stay.

Last year we reluctantly removed some of the facilities we normally provide, such as maps, guidebooks, DVD's and games, along with cushions and some other items of soft furnishings. We have reintroduced maps and guidebooks and decided not to reintroduce any more facilities at the present time but we are monitoring the situation.

Our  guide on how to operate appliances in the Loft has been rewritten in conjunction with our new partner at Lakeland Retreats and there is a "hard copy" in the Loft. We will also maintain an on-line version, which is in the "Guest Information" section of this website. You should receive the log in details from Lakeland Retreats when your full balance is paid. If you received the details then please contact Lakeland Retreats.

Whilst the vast majority of businesses are trading normally, we have noticed that some businesses are operating on fewer days due to staff shortages and have needed to close at short notice when staff need to self-isolate. Demand for restaurants is still very high, so it is advisable to book restaurants if you have favourites.

We would really appreciate your help in a number of ways, particularly when you leave it would be really helpful if you would strip the beds, and place all linen in liner provided, leave the Loft as clean as possible and fill the dish washer then switch it on. This will help the person cleaning the Loft for the next guests.

Further guidance on your stay may be accessed at this link.

Thank you very much for your help in these challenging times.

Karen and Malcolm.

Copyright The Loft 2021